Posts by: Rick W.

Who Decides What The Conference Votes On?

Who Decides What The Conference Votes On?

Have you ever wondered where conference agenda items come from? I have and luckily, our handy dandy A.A. Service Manual outlines exactly where agenda items come from and how they make it to the floor of the Conference.  I have pulled a passage from the Service Manual and have created a graphic that helps explain ...

The Inverted Triangle Expanded

The Inverted Triangle Expanded

Service Junkies Unite!!! Ok, that's a little tongue in cheek, but still - I had some more questions the first time I saw the inverted triangle of the service structure.  Some of those questions were: How many people actually attend (and are voting members) of the General Service Conference each year? How come one Area ...

Difference Between and Elder Statesman and a Bleeding Deacon

Difference Between and Elder Statesman and a Bleeding Deacon

Excerpt From: AA World Services, Inc. “Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.” “This brings us straight to the question “Does A.A. have a real leadership?” Most emphatically the answer is “Yes, notwithstanding the apparent lack of it.” Let’s turn again to the deposed founder and his friends. What becomes of them? As their grief and anxiety ...

2020 Carry The Message Project

2020 Carry The Message Project

Give Grapevine or La Viña To An Alcoholic In Need 2 EASY WAYS! 1. If you know the full name and the mailing address of the recipient: Give a Gift Subscription to a friend, a sponsee, doctor’s offices or for giveaways at anniversaries or events at your home group, district, or area level. Follow these ...

Where Did The 12 Steps Come From?

Where Did The 12 Steps Come From?

by Bill W. July 1953 A.A. Grapevine AAs are always asking: "Where did the Twelve Steps come from?" In the last analysis, perhaps nobody knows. Yet some of the events which led to their formulation are as clear to me as though they took place yesterday. So far as people were concerned, the main channels ...

The Next Frontier: Emotional Sobriety

The Next Frontier: Emotional Sobriety

by Bill Wilson Copyright © AA Grapevine, Inc, January 1958  (Listen and read along) "I think that many oldsters who have put our AA "booze cure" to severe but successful tests still find they often lack emotional sobriety. Perhaps they will be the spearhead for the next major development in AA—the development of much more ...

Fear & the 7 Deadly Defects

Fear & the 7 Deadly Defects

By Rick W. If you are like me, you are a visual kinda person.  I have always wanted some type of visual for me to see just exactly how fear manifests my defects of character, but I couldn't find one - so - I created one.  Using our literature, I created this chart in combination ...

12 Steps Simplified

12 Steps Simplified

The Twelve Steps Simplified STEP 1, showed me the paradox where I found I was totally unable to be rid of alcohol until I first admitted my powerlessness over it. STEP 2, showed me that since I cannot restore myself to sanity, a Higher Power would be necessary to do so. In STEP 3, I ...