Legacy of Unity

When Anyone, Anywhere…

When Anyone, Anywhere…

One of my sponsees called earlier today for a check in and in our conversation, he was sharing about some of the things he had been doing to get out of himself and into helping others, and shared how he was helpful to someone who was not an alcoholic.  He followed that up by quoting …

The Business of A.A.

The Business of A.A.

[DISCLAIMER: This post was written and is being shared by a member of A.A. for informational purposes only and is in no way connected to Alcoholics Anonymous or the general service structure found therein.] Have you ever wondered how business decisions are made for the whole of A.A. (in the U.S. and Canada)? Each year, …

Leadership in A.A.

Leadership in A.A.

Good morning family, At my home group's monthly Traditions Study last night, we were studying: Tradition 2 The importance of the group conscience, and How in A.A., we do HAVE leaders - but not necessarily in the traditional sense of the word I shared a quick quote from one of Bill's writings in Concept 9 ...

Anonymity: Then & Now

Anonymity: Then & Now

In the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Tradition Twelve states, “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.”  It goes on to say, “THE spiritual substance of anonymity is sacrifice. Because A.A.’s Twelve Traditions repeatedly ask us to give up personal desires for the common good, …