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Robert’s Rules of Order – Use Them vs. Don’t Use Them
10 Jan 2022

Robert’s Rules of Order – Use Them vs. Don’t Use Them

Over 140 years ago, Captain Henry Martyn Robert wrote the first edition of what has come to be known as “Robert’s Rules of Order” (the Rules). This first edition spanned 176 pages and was intended to be a brief and simple guide for the average meeting-goer. However, after its publication, Captain Robert received numerous letters ...

07 Jan 2022


I’m excited to announce a new service of TT12 called “LegAAcyChat”… a podcast by and for members of A.A. to share their experience, strength, and hope on ALL THREE of our legacies in Alcoholics Anonymous and is a service of, this three legacy study website. We will release new episodes as soon as they have …

G.S.O.’s Custom of Sharing “Shared Experience”
06 Jan 2022

G.S.O.’s Custom of Sharing “Shared Experience”

I was sitting in a study of The A.A. Service Manual tonight with a group of trusted servants in my Southwest Region, and as we were reading in Appendix A on page 95 (2021-2023 version), I ran across something that I found every interesting.  In the Section titled, “Beginning of Group Services” it said this: …

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Step Study

“A.A.’s Twelve Steps are a group of principles, spiritual in their nature, which, if practiced as a way of life, can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.”

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Traditions Study

“A.A.’s Twelve Traditions apply to the life of the Fellowship itself. They outline the means by which A.A. maintains its unity and relates itself to the world about it, the way it lives and grows.” - from the Foreword of the 12&12

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Concepts Study

The Twelve Concepts for World Service were written by A.A.’s co-founder Bill W., and are an interpretation of A.A.’s world service structure as it emerged through A.A.’s early history and experience.

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Primary Purpose

The primary purpose of this site is to share with those who have a desire to stop drinking, one individual A.A. member’s journey & experience (sober since November 17, 1987) of taking the 12 Steps, studying the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts for World Service.

(DISCLAIMER: This site is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous, nor does it speak for A.A. as a whole - just one member's experience.)

Wanna Know When I Add New Cool Stuff?

From the Experience of One Alcoholic To Another!

Let me share some background on how this site came to be.


And check out our gallery of recovery images to brighten
your day (or at the very least put a smile on your face).

I’m blessed by those who have shared how this site has helped them on their journey of recovery.