


This morning, I went to Take the 12 in the “Step Resources” section ( and reviewed the “Surrender” piece on that page.  I’m so grateful that as this Step study was being built, I took the time to identify, in MY experience, what it was that I was going to be called to surrender as I was taking each of the 12 Steps. As I was reading it this morning, I felt it was important enough to “re-share” it today, so here ya go.  I’d love to hear what your experience is on surrender in each of our Steps (feel free to comment below).  Have a great day!

In love & service,


Each of A.A.’s  12 Steps calls the person taking them to become willing to surrender something. While this is not an exhaustive list, it represents a really great place to start and singularly, one member’s experience.

(Use this as a litmus test for yourself to gauge the quality of your spiritual condition)

In Step 1, I will surrender…

1.) The delusion that in and of myself I have power, and
2.) The belief that alcohol was/is my problem

In Step 2, I will surrender…

1.) My desire to control everything myself, and
2.) My belief that I am responsible for the outcome of my life

In Step 3, I will surrender…

1.) The person I was before coming to A.A. and taking these Steps

In Step 4, I will surrender…

1.) Fear of looking at who I was, and
2.) Any desire to regret the past

In Step 5, I will surrender…

1.) Fear of sharing my inventory with another human being

In Step 6, I will surrender…

1.) The desire to hold onto my defects of character no matter how familiar or comfortable they are

In Step 7, I will surrender…

1.) The belief that I can become less of my character defects on my own or remove them myself

In Step 8, I will surrender…

1.) Fear of telling the truth, and
2.) My need to point out “their” part, and
3.) Fear of the outcome

In Step 9, I will surrender…

1.) My hesitation to take action, and
2.) Fear they won’t accept my amends, and
3.) Again, fear of the outcome

In Step 10, I will surrender…

1.) My belief that I don’t need to continue the inventory process each and every day to identify “defects du jour” (defects of the day)

In Step 11, I will surrender…

1.) My desire to tell God what to do
2.) My belief that meditation is hard and only for those more spiritual than myself

In Step 12, I will surrender…

1.) Fear that I don’t have anything to give, and
2.) Laziness in practicing these principles in all my affairs

This list was created for and found within the Step study here on



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    Justin I.

    Says July 13, 2024 at 11:55 am

    This is broken down as simply as I need it. My belief that everything that happens in my life is because of me because I control the little bubble I live in turned into the obsession that drive me to drink. The person I was, who still surfaces from time to time is what needs to be treated. I want to feel comfortable. I don’t want to face fear with courage, hesitation or laziness with action. I want to live in the delusion I’ve created instead of living in the reality that I can’t change anything but my attitude. I’ve been surrendering to God since 3/23/24 and sometimes “life gets lifey.” When I recognize my emotions and accept situations and ideas for what they are, I surrender and start my day over again. I’m grateful today for clarity and wise counsel available to me from this program that I’m finally taking action in.

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    Rick W.

    Says July 13, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    WOW! Justin, you could not have said it any better. Thanks for reading this and for sharing your thoughts. For THIS alcoholic, it needs to be simple, clear cut and directive. This list does it for me.

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